Proceedings of the XII International Conference “Theoretical and clinical aspects of application of bioresonance and multiresonance therapy”
Part I. Contents
Current situation and perspectives for development of VRT «IMEDIS-TEST» and bioresonance therapy
E.E. Meizerov, M.Yu. Gotovski, V.S. Katorgin
(Federal scientific clinical-experimental center
for traditional methods of diagnostics and therapy of Roszdrav,
Center «IMEDIS», Moscow, Russia)................................ 3
Comparative analysis of results of vegetative resonance test «IMEDIS-TEST» and functional diagnostics of children with pathology of psychoneurologic sphere and psychosomatic disturbances
E.G. Avanesova, T.S. Avanesova,
M.Yu. Gotovski, L.B. Kosareva, D.G. Bocharov
(Center «IMEDIS», Moscow, Russia)............................... 9
The role of viral burden in diseases pathogenesis (clinical observations)
T.S. Avanesova, E.G. Avanesova,
M.Yu. Gotovski, L.B.Kosareva, D.G. Bocharov
(Center «IMEDIS», Moscow, Russia)............................. 10
Children’s fibril cramps: new approaches to diagnostic and treatment with vegetative resonance test «IMEDIS-TEST» and bioresonance therapy
E.G. Avanesova, T.S. Avanesova, M.Yu. Gotovski, L.B. Kosareva,
D.G. Bocharov (Center «IMEDIS», Moscow, Russia).... 18
Differential approach to application of induction programs of brain rhythms in complex therapy of children with delay of psycho-speech development
E.G. Avanesova, T.S. Avanesova,
M.Yu. Gotovski, L.B. Kosareva, D.G. Bocharov
(Center «IMEDIS», Moscow, Russia)............................. 24
Informational value of vegetative resonance test «IMEDIS-TEST» in study of etiological part of neurotic and neurosis-alike conditions of children
T.S. Avanesova, E.G. Avanesova,
M.Yu. Gotovski, L.B.Kosareva, D.G. Bocharov
(Center «IMEDIS», Moscow, Russia)............................. 27
Experimental evaluation of efficiency of energyinformational preparations of Ketaminum
L.A. Bokeria1, N.T. Salia1, O.L. Bokeria1,
V.K. Ermolaev1, M.Yu. Gotovski2, D.V. Dzidziguri3
(1A.N. Bakulev SCCVS, 2Center «IMEDIS», Moscow, Russia; 3I.Dzhavahishvili TSU, Tbilisi, Georgia) 32
Vegetative resonance test «IMEDIS-TEST +» – new leading method in pathophysiology
Yu.E. Rogoviy, A.A. Ovsepian,
L.G. Archipova, I.L.Muravieva, O.V. Boiko
(Bukovinsk state medical university, Chernovtsy, Ukraine;
Center «IMEDIS», Moscow, Russia).............................. 38
Pathophysiological analysis of urine organic osmolites diagnostics with «IMEDIS-TEST+» in conditions of water induced diuresis and stress by 3 % solution of NaCl
Yu.E. Rogoviy, L.G. Archipova, I.L. Muravieva, A.V. Bocharov
(Bukovinsk state medical university, Regional medical diagnostical center, Chernovtsy, Ukraine; Center
«IMEDIS», Moscow, Russia)........................................... 43
Pathophysiological analysis of glycerin nephropathy research with vegetative resonance test «IMEDIS-TEST+»
Yu.E. Rogoviy, L.G. Archipova,
I.L. Muravieva, A.M. Goroshko, L.O. Filipova
(Department of physiology Bukovinsk state medical university, Chernovtsy, Ukraine; Center «IMEDIS», Moscow, Russia).............................................................. 46
Pathophysiological analysis of protective influence of GA-40 preparation on track nephropathy of rats with vegetative resonance test «IMEDIS-TEST+»
Yu.E. Rogoviy, L.G. Archipova, I.L. Muravieva, A.V. Bocharov
(Bukovinsk state medical university, Regional medical diagnostical center, Chernovtsy, Ukraine; Center
«IMEDIS», Moscow, Russia)........................................... 50
Vegetative resonance test – instrument for raising quality of anesthesiological work by prophylactics of allergic reactions during anesthesiologic provision of surgery
A.A. Azbarov, G.P. Basalkevich
(A.A. Vishnevskiy 3rd Central military hospital, Krasnogorsk, Russia) 55
The place and abilities of bioresonance therapy in system of endoecological rehabilitation
L.V. Chernetsova (SEI HPE «Izhevsk state
medical academy», Izhevsk, Russia)................................ 62
Peculiarities of hormonal homeostasis under influence of bioresonance therapy in complex therapy of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome
L.V. Chernetsova (SEI HPE «Izhevsk state
medical academy», Izhevsk, Russia)................................ 72
Possibilities of induction therapy for children with minimal brain dysfunctions
R.F. Gimranov, E.N. Eremina, E.A. Maltseva
(Department of clinical neurophysiology FIC MD PFU,
Moscow, Russia).............................................................. 87
Complex multiresonance therapy of epilepsy and Parkinson’s disease
R.F. Gimranov, E.A. Maltseva, E.N. Eremina, M.I. Kniazeva, A.M. Tanatarova, Zh.V. Gimranova, A.E. Petrikeeva
(Department of clinical neurophysiology FIC MD PFU, Moscow) 89
Experience of use of VRR in treatment of cardio-vascular pathology of women in pre- and postmenopausal period
O.V. Ilina, I.S. Paltseva, Å.Â.
(I.M. Sechenov Moscow medical academy, Department
of non medicinal treatment methods and clinical physiology) 91
Therapy of various diseases via normalization of hormonal status
N.Kempe (Research group for biosensorics
Ludwig Boltsman society, Graz, Austria)........................ 93
Treatment of oncological diseases with use of enzymes
N.Kempe (Research group for biosensorics
Ludwig Boltsman society, Graz, Austria)...................... 107
Evidence based medicine
I.V. Fadeev, E.N. Berezina, M.A. Protopopova, L.V. Udaltsova
(MC «BIO-FOLL», Voronezh, Russia)........................... 117
Possibilities for diagnostics of renal cholestasis of patients with ulcerous colitis and Crohn’s diseases by method of vegetative resonance test
E.N. Petritskaja, L.F. Abaeva, R.Ch. Chilingirov, M.Yu. Gotovski
(M.F. Vladimirskiy’s MRSRCI, Center «IMEDIS», Moscow, Russia) 123
A case from clinical practice
E.N. Petritskaja, L.F. Abaeva,
N.V. Karatashova, E.Z. Druziuk, M.Yu. Gotovski
(M.F. Vladimirskiy’s MRSRCI, Center «IMEDIS», Moscow, Russia) 125
Psellism or logoneurosis – new approach in tactics of therapy
N.V. Kartashova, E.N. Petritskaja, L.F. Abaeva, M.Yu. Gotovski
(Experimental and clinical laboratory for pathophysiology, M.F. Vladimirskiy’s MRSRCI, Center «IMEDIS»,
Moscow, Russia)............................................................ 128
Bioresonance stimulation of egg productivity of agricultural birds
A.G. Avakova, B.V. Khorin
(Russian academy of agricultural sciences
North-Caucasian SRI of cattle breeding, Krasnodar, Russia) 132
Application of bioresonance therapy in complex treatment of patients with chronic pancreatitis
V.I. Gustomesova, Yu.A. Parkhisenko,
E.N. Gustomesova, V.P. Mazurenko
(SIH Regional clinical hospital ¹1, Voronezh, Russia). 139
Possibilities of bioresonance therapy in case of acute pancreatitis
V.I. Gustomesova
(SIH Regional clinical hospital ¹1, Voronezh, Russia). 142
Application of bioresonance therapy in treatment of patients with progressing myopia
A.V. Tarakanovskiy (Helmholz SRI of eye diseases, Moscow, Russia) 145
Electroacupunctural diagnostics in treatment of patients with partial atrophy of visual nerve
A.N. Ivanov, V.V. Neroev, T.A. Malinovskaja, A.V. Tarakanovskiy
(Helmholz SRI of eye diseases, Moscow, Russia)........... 148
The use of BRT as an alternative to antibacterial chemotherapy
B.I. Islamov, S.V. Volodin, M.Yu. Gotovski, E.E. Meizerov
(Institute of theoretical and experimental biophysics RAS,
Puschino, Moscow State medical-dental university,
FSCC TMDT Roszdrav, Moscow, Russia)..................... 151
Methods for objectificating action of «information transfer» phenomena from material preparations
A.E. Kudaev, K.N. Mkhitarian, N.K. Khodareva
(JSC «Artemida», Rostov-on-Don,
Center «IMEDIS», Moscow, Russia)............................ 156
Research of influence of aimed autonosodes and SSA preparations onto dynamic of purulent process development in experiment
A.E. Kudaev, K.N. Mkhitarian, N.K. Khodareva
(JSC «Artemida», Rostov-on-Don,
Center «IMEDIS», Moscow, Russia)............................ 167
Influence of informational preparations on cultures of tumor cells in vitro
S.V. Gorbenko, A.E. Kudaev, K.N. Mkhitarian, N.K. Khodareva
(JSC «Artemida», Rostov-on-Don,
Center «IMEDIS», Moscow, Russia)............................ 175
Treatment of organism as design and further initialization of functional systems
K.N. Mkhitarian (Center «IMEDIS», Moscow, Russia) 186
Acid and alkaline water as nosodes of acid-alkaline balance
I.A. Bobrov (Center «IMEDIS», Moscow, Russia)........ 221
Possibility to minimize diagnostic and therapeutic influence by use of non-specific nosode of metabolism
I.A. Bobrov (Center «IMEDIS», Moscow, Russia)........ 225
About diagnostic possibilities of «IMEDIS» equipment in mode of non-contact application
D.D. Tikhomirv (FIC MD PFU, Moscow, Russia)........ 229
Medicamental test and subtle physical fields
M.M. Shraibman, M.M. Grinshtein (Hertslia, Israel)... 232
Restoration of motor activity of pelvic extremities of dogs with bioresonance and multiresonance influence
S.I. Kaluzhniy (N.I. Vavilov’s Saratov SAU, Saratov, Russia) 236
Evaluation of rehabilitation efficiency with traditional instrumental diagnostics in comparison with bioenergyinformational methods
L.V. Sharova (Perm state educational university, Perm, Russia) 240
Evaluation of psychological condition, adaptation reserves of the organism and their restoration by means of bioenergyinformational methods
L.V. Sharova, Yu.I. Kravtsov, G.P. Izhboldin
(Perm state educational university,
Perm state medical academy, Perm, Russia)................. 248
Criteria for evaluation of organism’s functional condition of various stages of diagnostics
L.V. Sharova (Perm state educational university, Perm, Russia) 254
The use of VRT+ in diagnostics and therapy of sexually transmitted diseases
E.Yu. Popova
( «Center of energyinformational medicine», Samara, Russia) 256
Application of vegetative resonance test «IMEDIS-TEST» for diagnostics of narcotic dependency of teenagers in educational settlement
S.I. Gusev, G.Ya. Snigereva, O.I. Trifonoc
(Federal service for execution of punishments,
Medical service, Moscow, Russia)................................. 265
Practical application of hardware-software complex «IMEDIS-EXPERT» in penitentiary conditions
S.I. Gusev, G.Ya. Snigereva, O.I. Trifonoc
(Federal service for execution of punishments,
Medical service, Moscow, Russia)................................. 273
Possibilities of VRT in differential diagnostics of chronic pelvic pains
A.S. Kiriak, A.A. Ovsepian
(SRI for Mother and Child health protection,
Kishinev, Moldova, Yerevan, Armenia)......................... 278
Treatment of uterus myoma – myth and reality
A.S. Kiriah
(SRI for Mother and Child health protection, Kishinev, Moldova) 283
Modern course of lambliosis: peculiarities of diagnostics and clinical picture
V.B. Ivanov, N.A. Mikhno
(State institute for perfection of doctors MD RF, Moscow, Svetlogorsk central military sanatorium,
Svetlogorsk Kaliningrad region, Russia)........................................... 289
Medicamental testing (Ways of optimization)
M.E. Semendiaeva, T.V. Aleshina, G.N. Matveev, I.F. Barulina
(Clinical hospitak ¹83 FMBA RF, Moscow, Russia).... 293
To the question of therapy of chronic neurological diseases of maxillofacial area
M.N. Orlov
(Stavropol state medical academy, department of propedeutics
and dental diseases, Stavropol, Russia)......................... 295
Statistical data on application of vegetative resonance test «IMEDIS-TEST+» (results of work from May 2003 to February 2006)
G.Yu. Andreichenko (Vorkuat, Russia).......................... 297
Energyinformational medicine in treatments of neurological diseases
M.Yu. Gotovski, N.K. Deriabina, U.V. Deriabina
(Center «IMEDIS», Moscow, Saratiov, Voronezh, Russia) 302
New methodical approach to selection of homeopathic drugs
B.D. Rozin, D.G. Rozin (Moscow, Russia)...................... 311
Experience of treating oncology (Case from practice)
B.G. Maliavkin (Odessa, Ukraine)................................ 313
Obtaining stable response on treatment of hepatitis C with bioresonance therapy
S.L. Sobotovich, V.V. Dudoladov
(G.I. Nevelskiy Marine State University,
CPC «Synergy», Vladivostok, Russia)........................... 317
Bioresonance therapy in hepatology
O.V. Moskaleva, M.Yu. Gotovski (Moscow, Russia)..... 319
Comparative analysis of methods reveling food intolerance
I.S. Tikhonova1, S.I. Fedorenko,
L.B. Kosareva1, N.R. Shevchenko1, M.E. Meylitseva2
(1Center «IMEDIS», 2«Doctor Volkov center», Moscow, Russia) 324
Systematic approach to optimization of nutrition using method VRT
I.S. Tikhonova, S.I. Fedorenko, N.R. Shevchenko
(Center «IMEDIS», Moscow, Russia)........................... 330
Allergy and pseudoallergy – some aspects of diagnostics and treatment of children
T.V. Fenutina (Center «IMEDIS», Moscow, Russia).... 333
Recommendations for selection of VRT markers for running BRT
I.V. Kolganov (Voronezh, Russia).................................. 337
Optimization of use of induction programs of brain rhythms
D.D. Tikhomirov (FIC MD PFU, Moscow, Russia)...... 341
Bioresonance technologies in diagnostics and treatment of patients with demyelinating diseases with background of persisting neuroinfections
R.N. Kobilianskaja, V.Ya. Kobilianskiy
(Ukraine academy of integrative medicine, Kiev, Ukraine)..... 343
Perspective methods for evaluation of psychophysiological adaptation of man to extreme situations
M.G. Maslova, L.K. Kurtseitov,
V.L. Volodarskiy, L.N. Bobrovich, T.F. Druchilo
(National scientific-research center MD,
Main military clinical hospital MD, Kiev, Ukraine)...... 351
The way to increase nonspecific resistance of man to infectional agents of bacterial, mycoplasma, viral and fungal nature in organized collectives
V.V. Sorkin, S.K. Osmolovskiy, V.P. Dobritsa
(Military medical academy, Medical center «Radomila»,
Saint Petersburg, Russia)............................................... 357
«IMEDIS-TEST» and clinical thinking
A.N. Matison (Company «MATISONS» Ltd, Riga, Latvia) 368
The use of dental alloys with minimal risk of intolerance (Scientific and practical aspects)
V.N. Kozin, V.K. Leontiev (Moscow, Russia)................ 372
Part II. Contents
Perspectives in development
of theory and practice of informational medicine
M.Yu. Gotovski, K.N. Mkhitarian, L.B. Kosareva
(Center «IMEDIS», Moscow, Russia)............................... 3
A case from practice
Ya.V. Kruk (Medical center «Oxidental-Express» Ltd.,
Moscow, Russia)................................................................ 8
Application of the vegetative resonance test and bioresonance therapy
in diagnostics and therapy of rectum diseases
E.Yu. Latchenko, O.V. Klimenko, V.M. Kruk
(Medical center «Occidental-Express» Ltd., Moscow, Russia) 11
Application of the bioresonance test
for suppressing primary pathologic inclination for alcohol
I.Yu. Salnikov (Department of psychotherapy and narcology
FIC MD PFU, Moscow, Russia)...................................... 15
Bioresonance homeopathy – differentiated approach
to therapy of tobacco dependency
O.I. Speranskaja (FSI «State scientific center for social
and judicial psychiatrics» Roszdrav, Moscow, Russia).... 19
Application of the electropunctural vegetative resonance
test «IMEDIS-TEST » and induction therapy programs of Center «IMEDIS» for correction pf psycho-emotional condition of sportsman
I.V. Yakovets (Group for introduction of accelerated methods
of rehabilitation in combined team of Moscow
for Graeco-Roman wrestling, Moscow, Russia).............. 21
Some results of bioresonance therapy of patients
with disturbance of cognitive functions
A.N. Shmagin (Military polyclinics, Krasnogorsk, Russia) 27
Efficiency of bioresonance therapy in treatment
of patients with dysbacteriosis
N.I. Mironuk, O.V. Bessarabov (Therapeutical diagnostical center
«Medicine of Future», Kaliningrad, Russia).................... 29
Application of the VRT+ in treatment of cystitis
using method of Ovsepian A.A.
S.V Martsinenko, O.V. Bessarabov
(Therapeutical diagnostical center «Medicine of Future»,
Kaliningrad, Russia)........................................................ 32
The use of method of Prof. Ovsepian A.A. in treatment of acute neuralgia of trigeminal nerve (A case from practice)
V.Yu. Pogosov, O.V. Bessarabov
(Therapeutical diagnostical center «Medicine of Future»,
Kaliningrad, Russia)........................................................ 35
New possibilities of bioresonance therapy at level
of constitutional types of wonderful meridians
I.A. Bobrov (Center «IMEDIS», Moscow, Russia).......... 37
Resonance therapy with use of frequencies of musical notes
I.A. Bobrov, K.N. Mkhitarian
(Center «IMEDIS», Moscow, Russia).............................. 64
Perspectives for development of children’s abilities with chronohomeopathic method and software complex «Astromed-M »
K.N. Mkhitarian, Yu.A. Storozhenko
(Center «IMEDIS», Moscow, Russia)............................. 72
Preparations of trepang regeneration and problem
of regeneration and rejuvenation of the organism
V.V. Dudoladov, K.N. Mkhitarian, S.L. Sobotovich
(TPC «Synergy», Center «IMEDIS», Moscow, Russia).. 82
KMKh-marker as marker of constitutional congruence
(Primary information)
A.E. Kudaev, K.N. Mkhitarian, N.K. Khodareva
( «Artemida» JSC, Rostov-on-Don,
Center «IMEDIS», Moscow, Russia).............................. 92
The use of aimed urine and blood autonosodes
for therapy of chronic urethroprostatitis
O.V. Koritskiy, Yu.V. Koritskiy ( «Medicor-2», Vinnitsa, Ukraine) 100
Efficiency of chronosemantics and SSA as methods for controlling patient’s organism on example of clinical research
T.V. Akaeva (Center of homeopathic medicine «Life force »,
Moscow, Russia)............................................................ 107
If «fatelogy» is possible?
E.A. Ischenko (Center «IMEDIS», Moscow, Russia).... 114
The use of information copies of organic preparations
of wild boar (Sus scrofa) in system of bioresonance therapy
S.L. Sobotovich1, V.V. Dudoladov1, A.B. Okun1, A.K. Ansovich2
(1G.I. Nevelskiy Marine State University, 1CPC «Synergy»,
2Institute of stable nature management, Vladivostok, Russia) 119
Results of use of aimed blood autonosode and SSA
in case of urogenital infection
D.B. Okun1, I.B. Okun2
(1G.I. Nevelskiy Marine State University, 1CPC «Synergy»»,
2Center of family medicine, Vladivostok, Russia)......... 121
Prophylactics and therapy of hypoxia
of elder people with BRT and aromatherapy
E.N. Kozlova, V.V. Dudoladov (G.I. Nevelskiy Marine State
University, CPC «Synergy»», Vladivostok, Russia)....... 123
Application of the endogenous bioresonance therapy
in case of lung paragonimiasis (A case from practice)
A.V. Shamanin (G.I. Nevelskiy Marine State University,
CPC «Synergy»», Vladivostok, Russia)......................... 126
Correction of oligophrenia with methods of BRT and VRT
(A case from practice)
A.V. Balandina, S.L. Sobotovich (G.I. Nevelskiy Marine State
University, CPC «Synergy»», Vladivostok, Russia)..... 128
Idea of integral investigation and therapy of patient
with apparatus for VRT+
I.V. Nadolnaja (MC «Verbena», Vladivostok, Russia).. 130
Nonunion cervical hip fracture (A case from practice)
L.N. Razvodovskaja (MC «Verbena», Vladivostok, Russia) 136
Application of BRT in ambulatory surgery
for treatment of burns and infected wounds
A. Musaev (Athens, Greece).......................................... 139
Experience of applying BRT in urological practice
A.Musaev (Athens, Greece)........................................... 140
Possible schemes for applying BRT in urological practice
G.S. Malintsev (Bioresonance diagnostics and therapy office,
Moscow, Russia)............................................................ 141
Electromagnetic resonators in human blood plasma
E.V. Alexeeva, O.I. Eliseeva
(«Eliseeva’s medical center» Ltd., Moscow, Russia)..... 146
Blood plasma in view of quantum (electromagnetic) medicine
E.V. Alexeeva, O.I. Eliseeva
(«Eliseeva’s medical center» Ltd., Moscow, Russia)..... 152
Quantum (electromagnetic) harmonization of human organism
O.I. Eliseeva («Eliseeva’s medical center» Ltd., Moscow, Russia) 155
False polarity and brain rhythms
O.I. Eliseeva («Eliseeva’s medical center» Ltd., Moscow, Russia) 164
Application of transfer factors as supplementary method of treatment when endogenous and exogenous BRT is used
O.I. Eliseeva, I.V. Fedorovskaja
(«Eliseeva’s medical center» Ltd., Moscow, Russia)..... 167
Echinococcosis. Experience of use of transfer factors
(A case from practice)
E.V. Tikhonov («Eliseeva’s medical center» Ltd., Moscow, Russia) 174
Schistosomiasis. Experience of use of transfer factors
E.V. Tikhonov («Eliseeva’s medical center» Ltd., Moscow, Russia) 178
Endometriosis: oncological circumspection,
diagnostics of endometriosis malignation using VRT
G.N. Khafizova, O.I. Eliseeva
(«Eliseeva’s medical center» Ltd., Moscow, Russia)..... 184
Modern aspects on treatment of epilepsy
L.O. Kolupaeva («Eliseeva’s medical center» Ltd., Moscow, Russia) 189
Possibilities of VRT in diagnostics and tactics of thyroid therapy
I.P. Rakhmatulina
(«Eliseeva’s medical center» Ltd., Moscow, Russia)..... 193
VRT and exogenous BRT in diagnostics
and therapy of diseases with unrevealed etiology (A case from practice)
M.E. Bulgakova («Eliseeva’s medical center» Ltd., Moscow, Russia) 196
About adaptation possibilities of the organism to electromagnetic influence on example of mobile phone
D.D. Tikhomorov1, V.A. Solomatin
(1FIC MD PFU, Moscow, Russia)................................. 198
Electropunctural diagnostics vs bioresonance therapy
and standards of family medicine in USA.
Comparison of possibilities in diagnostics and therapy
D.D. Tikhomirov (FIC MD PFU, Moscow, Russia)...... 202
About piezoelectric transformation in human organism
D.D. Tikhomirov, V.A. Solomatin
(FIC MD PFU, Moscow, Russia)................................... 214
Direct and indirect connections in method of vegetative resonance test
D.D. Tikhomirov (FIC MD PFU, Moscow, Russia)...... 215
Condition of vegetative nervous system of patients with pain syndrome of vertebrogenic etiology by results of electropunctural diagnostics
L.M. Tibekina, N.I. Gorbunova,
P.I. Goskov, S.P. Pronin, M.V. Goriacheva
(Altai state medical University, ASTU, Barnaul, Russia) 217
Evaluation of condition of nervous system of patients
with cerebral pathology by results of electropunctural diagnostics
L.M. Tibekina, N.I. Gorbunova,
P.I. Goskov, S.P. Pronin, M.V. Goriacheva
(Altai state medical University, ASTU, Barnaul, Russia) 219
Perspective directions in diagnostics and therapy of opisthorchosis
L.M. Tibekina, N.I. Gorbunova,
P.I. Goskov, S.P. Pronin, M.V. Goriacheva
(Altai state medical University, ASTU, Barnaul, Russia) 220
The role VRT diagnostics in treatment of neurodermatitis
E.N. Kajumova (Mozir, Belarus)................................... 225
Experience of using hardware-software complex
«IMEDIS-EXPERT» in therapy of gangrene
S.K. Makina («Medical center «Vega-Plus»,
Petrapavlovsk, Kazakhstan)......................................... 228
Experience of applying Fuzailov’s preparation
B.N. Fuzailov, S.K. Makina
(Moscow, Russia; Petrapavlovsk, Kazakhstan)............ 232
«MR-antialbumen- blocator» and gene therapy
B.N. Fuzailov, P.N. Kim (Moscow, Russia)................... 236
New possibilities of bioresonance and multiresonance therapy
P.V. Perekrest, N.A. Demianov
(Military hospital, Batumi, Georgia)............................. 241
To the question of treatment of chronic viral hepatitis C (second report)
V.A. Abalakin (FSIS Central SRI of epidemiology
Rospotrebnadzor RF, Moscow, Russia)......................... 244
Some aspects of allergy treatment by nature therapist
E.L. Ermina, G.Sh. Kasimova
(Homeopathic center, Kirov, Russia)............................. 248
Experience of treating urogenital infections
with bioresonance and multiresonance therapy
G.Sh. Kasimova, E.L. Ermina
(Homeopathic center, Kirov, Russia)............................. 250
Complex non-remedial therapy of tuberculosis (Continuation)
V.G. Sadykov, I.S. Tikhonova1, T.A. Verle2
(1Center «IMEDIS», 2«Medical ecological center», Moscow, Russia) 254
Experience of successful therapy of obesity (A case from practice)
M.B. Dobrian, V.I. Podgornaja (SCB CP RAS, Tarussa, Russia) 258
Experience of applying bioresonance therapy in treatment
of gastroenterocolitis (A case from practice)
A.A. Shmelev («Center of energyinformation medicine»,
Samara, Russia)............................................................. 260
Example of complex approach to therapy of chronic fatigue syndrome with background of viral hepatitis C in combination with chronic urogenital infection (A case from practice)
Yu.G. Petrov («Center of energyinformation medicine»,
Samara, Russia)............................................................. 261
Example of skin diseases treatment (A case from practice)
N.V. Yatsenko («Center of energyinformation medicine»,
Samara, Russia)............................................................. 263
Normalization of female hormonal balance in complex conservative treatment of ovary cyst using hardware-software complexes «IMEDIS» (A case from practice)
L.V. Pryanikov («Center of energyinformation medicine»,
Samara, Russia)............................................................. 264
Experience of treating gastrointestinal diseases (A case from practice)
(«Center of energyinformation medicine», Samara, Russia) 267
Application of VRT and BRT in therapy
of allergy caused by dental filings (A case from practice)
N.M. Butchenko
(«Center of energyinformation medicine», Samara, Russia) 268
A case from practice
S.Yu. Kuznetsova
(«Center of energyinformation medicine», Samara, Russia) 269
A case from practice
M.G. Skoroumova
(«Center of energyinformation medicine», Samara, Russia) 271
Acute myeloblast leucosis (A case from practice)
O.A. Melnikov (Sochi, Russia)....................................... 272
About psoriasis and alcohol
V.L. Boltunova (Warsaw, Poland)................................. 274
Treatment of patients with deforming arthrosis
using low-frequency magnet-therapy
L.N. Yakunina, O.V.Yarmaki (State university of medicine
and pharmacy «N.A. Testemitsanu», Kishenev, Moldova) 276
Conscious of doctor as basic factor
in organization of diagnostic-curative process
E.G. Gritsenko, A.G.Gritsenko (Moscow, Russia)........ 278
Bioresonance diagnostics and therapy –
clinical application of quantum mechanics
A.S. Kirijak, Yu.F. Kirijak (SRI for Mother and child health protection Republic of Moldova, Kishinev, Moldova)....................................................................................... 281
Some observations during work with HSC «IMEDIS-EXPERT»
E.V. Lvova (Moscow, Russia)........................................ 289
About new way for correction of human blood coagulation system
using musical-acoustic influences
S.V. Schushardjan, R.S. Schushardjan
(International academy of integrative medicine,
Moscow, Russia)............................................................ 296
Structured water and oncological diseases
N.V. Dykun, A.I. Melnik
(CDC «Pyramid», CDC «Med-Absolut», Dubno, Ukraine) 299
Application of piezoquartz plates and various stones
for therapeutic influence
P.N. Kim (Medical center «Medsan», Moscow, Russia) 306
Comparative analysis of curative influence of various information carriers for different age groups of patients
I.I. Sibereva (Clinic of Eastern and rehabilitation medicine «Teida», Ivanovo, Russia) 308
Color prophylactics of eye-sight and body aging
T.P. Teterina (Center of colortherapy «Thetta», Moscow, Russia) 313
Some experience of restoration and correction
of psycho-spiritual balance in group of female patients
using equipment of Center «IMEDIS»
A.V. Shornikov, E.N. Shornikova
(«KITTInteriorS» Ltd., Moscow, Russia)....................... 319
Dangerous changes of energyinformation field related
to appearance of TV, computer and telephone communications
A.V. Shornikov, E.N. Shornikova
(«KITTInteriorS» Ltd., Moscow, Russia)....................... 324
Things-«parasites» or Theory of field interactions
between man and environment (including interiors)
A.V. Shornikov, E.N. Shornikova
(«KITTInteriorS» Ltd., Moscow, Russia)....................... 328
Peculiarities of furnishing rooms for newborns from position
of interiortherapy® (observations confirmed by measurements
using equipment of Center «IMEDIS»)
A.V. Shornikov, E.N. Shornikova
(«KITTInteriorS» Ltd., Moscow, Russia)....................... 333
Homeopathy – library of frequencies
A.V. Shornikov, E.N. Shornikova
(«KITTInteriorS» Ltd., Moscow, Russia)....................... 336
Bioresonance approach to study mechanisms of influence
of cosmic factors oh human organism in norm and pathology
V.A. Ivanchenko (Medical center «Pulse», Moscow, Russia) 338
Possibilities for diagnostics of polycyst ovary syndrome
with electropunctural vegetative resonance test
M.I. Palamarchuk1, T.Yu. Egorova2, A.E. Kostyakhin3
(1«Grodno regional clinical hospital», 2«Grodno state medical university»,
3«Central city clinical hospital», Grodno, Byelorussia) 346
Electropunctural diagnostics of «small forms»
of genital endometriosis with use of vegetative resonance test
M.I. Palamarchuk1, T.Yu. Egorova2
(1«Grodno regional clinical hospital»,
2«Grodno state medical university», Grodno, Byelorussia) 350
Ether plant aromatic oil – natural biocorrectors
which can be used with BRT
E.P. Ivanova, M.V. Chizh
(«Association of phyto-aroma therapists», Moscow, Russia 353
Five elements of anti-aging therapy
Yu.V. Markin (Institute of radiophysical researches
RAES, Moscow, Russia)................................................. 363
Influence of holographic informational copies of growth activity,
life-ability of cell lines and reproduction of influenza virus
G.A. Danlybaeva, I.V. Egorochkin, E.I. Isaeva,
G.R. Mikhailova, R.Ya. Podcherniaeva
(D.I. Ivanovskiy SRI of virusology RAMS, Moscow, Russia) 364
Problem of fertility – a view from side
V.A. Galuzinskiy («Consilium», Astana, Kazakhstan).. 368
Experience of using equipment of Center «IMEDIS» in medical practice
A.V. Gorlov (Shakhti, Krasnodar region, Russia)......... 373
Bioresonance approach to restoration of cardiac function
A.T. Serobabin, E.A. Serobabina («Bioinformational center»,